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Bihar Farmers Torch Police Vans After Late-Night Raid

Farmers in Bihar state's Buxar city have been protesting for two months, demanding better rates for the land being acquired by a state-run power company in Chausa.
A group of farmers armed with sticks and stones reportedly raided a local power plant in Buxar city of India's Bihar state, where they clashed with officers and set several police vehicles on fire.
Four policemen have been injured and the police fired warning shots to control the crowd, Indian media reported.
The violence allegedly came in revenge for police entering farmers' houses on Tuesday night.
In a video that has now gone viral, dozens of police officers were seen raiding farmers' homes as they were sleeping. Police are seen beating them with canes, even though authorities insist it was the farmers who attacked them first.
Police suggested the video now circling online only shows parts of what happened last night.
The reason for the late-night raid by police officers, however, remains unclear.