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Pakistani Teen Girls Run Away to Meet BTS K-pop Band, Found in Lahore

The girls took a train to Lahore and travelled over 1,200 kilometres from their homes before being nabbed by the police.
In a bizarre incident, two teen girls aged 13 and 14, fled their homes in Karachi last week to travel to South Korea to meet K-pop sensation BTS, media reports suggest.
Unaware of their plan, the girls' parents searched all around before finally filing a kidnapping and missing reports on Saturday.
While looking for some clues at their homes, police come across a personally diary that revealed that the girls had planned to travel to South Korea to meet the K-pop idols.
After an intensive tracing, the police found the girls who had traveled more than 1,200 kilometres by train to Lahore, north-eastern part of the country.

"They intended to go to Korea to meet and join BTS as they were extremely inspired by the band," Korangi Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Abraiz Ali Abbasi told local media.

“From the diary, we saw mentions of train timetables and that they had been planning to run away with another friend of theirs who we then interviewed,” Abassi said.