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India's February Fuel Consumption Reaches 24-Year High

Data compiled by the Indian Oil Ministry’s Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell shows that daily oil consumption jumped beyond 5% in February, which is 15 consecutive year-to-year hike.
As industrial activities accelerate, India’s February fuel demand reached a 24-year high, news agencies reported. Based on the data, India consumed 4.82 million barrels of oil per day, estimated to be 18.5 million tonnes for the whole month of February. Normally, a ton of crude oil equals about 7.33 barrels.
Meanwhile, in February, the sale of gasoline or petrol and diesel has witnessed year-on-year growth of more than 7 percent.
Sales of jet fuel climbed more than 43% to 0.62 million tonnes. Meanwhile, sales of cooking gas, or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), slipped by 0.1% to 2.39 million tonnes. Most of the demand (since October 2022) is now fulfilled by Russia as it is providing fuel to India at a discounted rate.
At the same time, data from India’s oil ministry predicted that India’s fuel demand is likely to grow 4.7% in the next fiscal year (starting from April 2023).