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Indian Female Literacy Rate Up 68% Since Independence

As per World Bank data, India’s female literacy rate was a mere 8-9 percent at the time of India’s independence in 1947, meaning only one in 11 women had a basic education at that time.
An Indian government survey agency on Wednesday reported that the female literacy rate in the country now stands at 77 percent, a 68 percent jump since India gained its independence from the British Empire.
However, the country's male literacy rate stands at 84.7 percent.
According to a National Sample Survey report, Kerala is the most literate state in the country, with 92.2%, followed by union territory Lakshadweep (91.85%), and then Mizoram (91.33%).
Meanwhile, Bihar has the lowest literacy rate (61.8%), followed by Arunachal Pradesh (65.3%) and Rajasthan (66.1%).
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The report also points out that about 19.8 percent of all students, mostly girls, drop out during secondary education.
The top two reasons why these girls drop out include early marriage and studies not being considered a priority for girls.
However, despite the government and civil societies' endeavors to making people aware about the significance of education, about 25 percent are yet to be educated.