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Months After Tragedy, Gujarat Government Disbands Morbi Civic Agency

The 140-year-old Morbi bridge over the Machchhu River in Gujarat state collapsed on 30 October 2022, killing 135 people.
The Bharatiya Janata Party-led Gujarat government on Tuesday dismissed its civic agency in the state's Morbi city after observing that members failed to perform their duties.
Since the bridge's collapse last October, several inquiry agencies have found that Morbi's civic agency ignored many technical faults on the bridge.

In December, a preliminary report said that 22 of the 49 wires were corroded. The report also said that despite several warnings by the Oreva Group about the dilapidated bridge's condition, the municipality did not pay any heed.

The bridge was maintained and operated by Oreva Group under an agreement signed with the municipality in March 2022 - seven months before the bridge collapsed.
After the report was released, the Gujarat Urban Development Department issued a show-cause notice in January to the municipality asking why it should not be dissolved for failing to discharge its duties.