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BrahMos Aerospace In Talks With 6 Nations Seeking Supersonic Cruise Missiles

In January 2022, the Philippine Defense Ministry and BrahMos concluded a $375 million contract for the supply of ground-based anti-ship missile systems. The contract also includes training for operating personnel and a logistics support package.
Russian-Indian joint venture BrahMos Aerospace is conducting talks with six countries over sales of BrahMos medium-range supersonic cruise missiles, Praveen Pathak, the company's chief general manager, told Sputnik.

"BrahMos is in talks with six countries on the sales of missiles. There are countries with whom we are negotiating at a more advanced stage, it is practically a pre-contact work," Pathak said on the sidelines of the International Maritime Defense Show in St. Petersburg, adding that the countries interested in contracts were from the Indo-Pacific region and the Middle East.

BrahMos Aerospace is a Russian-Indian enterprise producing supersonic cruise missiles capable of being launched from submarines, ships, planes or land-based platforms. It was established in 1998 and named after the rivers of Brahmaputra and Moscow. The Russian side of the venture is represented by the NPO Mashinostroyenia company.
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