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India, Pakistan Comparison Typical For Neighbors: Expert

According to experts, it is not surprising that there are frequent comparisons between India and Pakistan on social media. In fact, this trend is likely to persist in the future as well.
The Supreme Court Bar Association of Pakistan (SCBAP) commends the Supreme Court of India for its initiatives, including the provision of judgments in local languages, the introduction of e-filing, and the advancements made in establishing e-courts.
According to media reports, the SCBAP has written a letter to the President of the Supreme Court Bar Association of India, Adish C. Aggarwal. In the letter, the SCBAP has expressed its desire for its lawyers to visit India to observe the working style of the Supreme Court of India and to keep abreast of the latest developments in the field.
It also said that promoting interactions between the legal communities could help improve relations between the two neighbors.
Professor Suba Chandran, who is associated with the Institute of Conflict Studies and is an expert on Pakistan-related issues, told Sputnik India that it's an ongoing trend as neighbours, when they see each other, generally compare themselves with the one that might be doing well in some area.
''Comparison is bound to happen among neighbors as it's a human tendency,'' he said.

"Mostly, it's introspection that Pakistan does while comparing itself with India. This happens...it's very natural. We Indians compare ourselves with others," Chandran said, adding that ''India is developing across the board while Pakistan has done some good work in selected areas.''

Another New Delhi-based expert on Pakistani affairs, Parthasarathy, said: 'It's a routine thing and if they want to visit India to see the new developments in the Indian judiciary, they are welcome.