Science & Tech

Russia Plans to Send Cosmonaut to Moon by 2030

Russia's space corporation Roscosmos plans to send cosmonauts to the moon, said Vladimir Solovyov, the general designer of manned space systems and complexes of Russia, on Thursday.
The first landing of a Russian cosmonaut on the Moon may take place between 2031 and 2040, said Vladimir Solovyov.
At the "Manned Space Flights" conference, he presented a roadmap that calls for the creation of lunar base modules and a manned lunar rover in 2031-2040, as well as the first landing of Russian cosmonauts on the surface of Earth's natural satellite.
As stated in the roadmap, from 2041 to 2050, the construction of a lunar base, the creation of equipment for drilling and excavation, experimental mining and production complexes, as well as an astrophysical observatory are expected.
The objective of the lunar base will be drilling and excavation, experimental mining and production complexes, and also setting up an astrophysical observatory.
On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union launched the Earth's first artificial satellite, Sputnik I. In 1959, It made history again by landing its rover on the surface of the Moon. On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first man to travel into space.
Since then, Russia has helped many countries and provided assistance in satellite launches and sending cosmonauts into space. Russia has also played a pivotal role in assisting India's space program. However, it never tried attempting a human landing on the moon.
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