Science & Tech

Indian Space Agency Generates Power From Hydrogen and Oxygen Gases in Orbit

Delhi recently announced it plans to set up its own space station by 2025 to act as an "eye in the sky" and help monitor friends and foes 24/7.
The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has successfully generated power from hydrogen and oxygen gases in space, it has reported.
"ISRO has successfully tested a 100 W class polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cell based power system (FCPS) in its orbital platform, PSLV Orbital Experimental Module (POEM) 3, launched onboard PSLV-C58 on January 1," the space agency said in a statement.
The hydrogen fuel cell is a cutting-edge electrochemical device that generates hydrogen and gases, resulting in the emission of pure water and heat as byproducts. Fuel cells operate based on the principle of converting chemical energy from hydrogen and oxygen into electricity directly through electrochemical reactions.
The process is similar to how batteries function but without any combustion involved.
Fuel cells have the potential to replace traditional vehicle engines and standby power systems. India's space agency tested a PEM fuel cell, marking a significant development as this technology could pave the way for the future orbital laboratory.
Science & Tech
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