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Jaishankar Asserts India's Path to UNSC Seat Won't Be Easy

Despite unwavering confidence in India's eventual success, Jaishankar concedes that the path is fraught with challenges, as the nation navigates through political hurdles and opposition from global counterparts.
"We will get there. I am 100% certain we will get there. But I will also tell you that honestly, we will not get it easily because the world is full of competition," stated the Indian Minister of External Affairs.
Jaishankar acknowledged that efforts to "block" India's path with obstacles and arguments are expected, yet he remains "more confident" now in overcoming these hurdles than in the past decade.
He highlighted India's strong performance in UN body elections as a sign of its growing global influence, anticipating a future where India's impact is significantly larger.
"So our time is coming, you know, but we have to work for it," he emphasized.
The UNSC currently consists of five permanent members - China, France, Russia, the UK, and the US, with the unique ability of these members to veto any substantive resolution.