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PM Modi's Message to PM Shehbaz: Diplomatic Exchanges in the Midst of Tensions

Last week, PM Narendra Modi extended his congratulations to Shehbaz Sharif, the newly elected Prime Minister of Pakistan, via a tweet. Shortly after receiving PM Modi's congratulations, PM Shehbaz Sharif expressed his gratitude for the greeting.
Despite the current lack of progress in bilateral relations, both nations have not shown any signs of improvement in their ties. Mr. Narendra Modi messaged and Mr. Shehbaz Sharif responded solely through the social media platform X, without exchanging any official letters, which is the usual practice.
Since their inception, both neighbouring countries have been embroiled in a longstanding conflict over the Kashmir issue, leading to three major wars between them. Following the Pulwama attack in 2019 and the constitutional amendment regarding the status of Kashmir, diplomatic relations between the two nations have been severed.

Social Media Greetings' Impact on India-Pakistan Relations

Last week, PM Modi's message to PM Shebaz Sharif marked the government's first official communication since assuming office, indicating India's acknowledgment of the S. Sharif administration despite the contentious elections and allegations of tampering.
Notwithstanding, officials and analysts on both sides noted that the greetings were merely a matter of following protocol, rather than reflecting any increased warmth in their public exchanges compared to a few years ago when Mr. Shebaz Sharif last took office.
It is worth noting that the messages between Mr. Modi and Mr. S. Sharif were only shared via the X social media platform (previously Twitter), without any traditional exchange of letters taking place as is customary.
Sputnik Opinion
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