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Microsoft Co-Founder’s Hypocrisy Exposed During Meeting With Modi

Bill Gates and Narendra Modi
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi met Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates on Friday and discussed a wide range of issues, from Artificial Intelligence to Digital Public Infrastructure and efforts to combat climate change.
The hypocrisy of Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates was exposed on Friday during the meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi when he said that India can’t be forced to pay for the West’s emissions but also hinted that eventually, it will have to pay.
While talking about efforts to combat climate change, Gates said that during his previous meeting with Indian Prime Minister in Paris he had emphasised on need for innovation and if green approach can be made cheap or cheaper than the old approach then the adoption will be very good.

“If it’s more expensive, it’s not clear who’s going to be willing to pay for that. Should the rich countries pay for that?” he said.

He further told Modi that it's not fair to tell India to slow down in building basic infrastructure just because the West had those emissions. However, he mentioned that there will need to be some adaptation because there will be some warming, particularly which farmers will have to take into account.
Gates, however, also praised Indians for their ability to adopt technology fast as well as lead the way.
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