Indo-Russian Relations
Daily coverage of what makes ties between Delhi & Moscow ever-lasting — even in times of western sanctions.

India's Import of Russian Agricultural Products Soars by 76%, Hits $572 Million Milestone

The import of Russian agricultural products into India has surged by an impressive 76%. According to the Center Agroexport at the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, India ramped up its imports of Russian agro-industrial products to $572 million within a year.
The report highlights data from Indian customs, indicating a substantial increase in imports from Russia during January-March 2024, compared to the corresponding period last year. This surge has elevated Russia's share in India's total import volume from 4.2% to 7.1%.

As a consequence, Russia has ascended to the fourth position among India's largest agricultural product suppliers, as emphasized in the official statement. Additionally, the strengthening ties between Russia and India extend beyond agriculture to sectors such as oil and others.

In a reciprocal gesture, India has commenced shipping bananas to Russia. Furthermore, Russia's state-run Rosselkhoznadzor has expressed keen interest in increasing imports of tropical fruit from its South Asian counterpart.
Indo-Russian Relations
Russia Emerges as Top Sunflower Oil Supplier to India in 2023