Indo-Russian Relations
Daily coverage of what makes ties between Delhi & Moscow ever-lasting — even in times of western sanctions.

Modi’s Visit To Moscow: What Is The Message to Pakistan?

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made his first visit to Russia since 2019 — signifying renewed mutual economic cooperation and trust between the two nations and sending a powerful message to the Global South.
At the 22nd Annual Russia-India Summit, Modi and President Vladimir Putin agreed to set a $100-billion target for bilateral trade by 2030 and strengthen their strategic partnership, which may influence the geopolitical stance, an expert told Sputnik India.
The consolidated relations between Russia and India may impact multilateral forums, the military balance and energy diversification in South Asia, Muhammad Taimur Fahad Khan, an analyst at the Institute of Strategic Studies in Islamabad told Sputnik India.
He added, Modi's Moscow visit solidifies India-Russia strategic ties, with potential to shift the alignment of forces in the region by reducing China's influence.

"It could also shape India's Indo-Pacific approach and the US-Russia-India relationship, while contributing to regional stability through security cooperation," Khan said. "Overall, the visit underscores the possibility of significant changes in diplomatic alignments and power balances across the region."

Meanwhile, during Modi's two-day visit, he and Putin discussed their countries' historical ties, pledging cooperation and collaboration on the Ukraine conflict, boosting trade in all sectors, economic partnership, connectivity, dialogue on civil nuclear and space cooperation, military issues, science, technology and counter-terrorism in Eurasia.
Both leaders pledged to coordinate closely on global and regional forums, addressing security challenges jointly.
Pakistan might view Modi's visit as a reminder to diversify its own international alliances and enhance its strategic engagements to counterbalance India's growing influence, Khan stated.

"For Pakistan, this move signifies the need to closely monitor the evolving India-Russia relationship, as it could alter the regional power dynamics and impact the security environment in South Asia," Khan added. "The visit also reflects India's diplomatic flexibility, balancing its partnerships with the US and Russia, thereby bolstering its global standing."

Lessons for Pakistan

The pundit argued that Modi's visit demonstrated the need for Pakistan to engage actively with multiple global players with an emphasis on economic and energy collaboration including exploring opportunities in nuclear energy and hydrocarbons.
Khan stressed that Pakistan should enhance its efforts to address regional security challenges and leverage multilateral platforms like BRICS and SCO to advance its strategic interests.
In the meantime, the country has several touchpoints for cooperation with Russia, Syed Fraz Naqvi, research officer and the Head of Iran Programme at Institute of Regional Studies in Islamabad, said during a conversation with Sputnik India.

"In the Pakistani sides, there is a realization of the inevitability to create ties with Russia," Naqvi highlighted. "Because there is still an opportunity due to the Eurasian region and the era of connectivity, where Russia-China on one hand and Iran-Turkey on the other hand are engaged."

The policy analyst added that Pakistan could "provide and utilize a route of connectivity" and that Moscow and Islamabad were cooperation over Afghanistan.
Naqvi added that Russia is an important country in terms of energy resources and Pakistan is looking to Moscow for its energy needs.
Moscow visit of Prime Minister Modi, who became the first Indian to be awarded the order of St. Andrew, Russia's highest state honour, has drawn the attention and scrutiny of the West and its media.
Indo-Russian Relations
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