"The money and weapons sent to Ukraine have certainly worsened Canada’s economic situation and contributed to the deficit. But it’s not just that. The Liberal government has for nine years created countless new programs, subsidised business in general and electric vehicles (EV) battery manufacturers in particular to the tune of tens of billions of dollars, intruded on provincial powers with new social programs that are unconstitutional, showered money on groups promoting multiculturalism, diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) and gender ideology," Bernier explained.
"They’ve had many opportunities to get rid of the deficit, but always chose to spend any surplus money on new programs to buy votes. They, thereby, doubled Canada’s national debt in less than a decade. Our current fiscal woes stem from all of these misguided decisions," Bernier underscored.
"The government actually cancelled the plan to send $173 cheques. That would have been funded with more borrowed money. What Canada needs is a thorough review of every government program and massive spending cuts, so that the government can then lower taxes. Not insignificant Christmas goodies to buy votes while the government continues to spend like a drunken sailor," the PPC leader said.