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Prime Minister Narendra Modi Dubbed Most Popular World Leader: Survey

With national elections just a year away, the rise in PM Modi's approval ratings augurs well for him and his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi's approval ratings have hit an all-time high of 78 percent, making him the most popular global leader according to political intelligence company Morning Consult's survey.
Following the Indian leader in second and third spots were Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Swiss President Alain Berset, with approval ratings of 68 and 62 percent, respectively.
Modi left the likes of US President Joe Biden, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, French President Emmanuel Macron and Canadian PM Justin Trudeau way behind in the race.
Biden occupied the seventh place with approval ratings of 40 percent, while Trudeau came ninth with similar figures.
On the other hand, Sunak found himself in the 13th spot with approval ratings of 30 percent which dropped to 29 in the case of French leader Macron who was in 17th position in the charts.
Morning Consult surveyed 22 countries before releasing a list of global leaders that have the highest approval ratings in their respective nations.

"The latest approval ratings are based on data collected from January 26-31, 2023. Approval ratings are based on a seven-day moving average of adult residents in each country, with sample sizes varying by country," the official website of the organization said.
