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India Raising Issue of Climate Justice with Developed Nations: PM Modi

Since the early 2000s, scientists have been raising the topic of mounting temperatures leading to extreme weather events. However, reports also say that the developed countries are mostly responsible for the crisis whereas the negative effects are, in the main, being experienced by poor or developing nations.
On 5 June, the world celebrates World Environment Day; and the theme for this year is Beat Plastic Pollution.
Speaking on the occasion on Monday, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that the poor and developing nations are paying the price of the wrong policies of some developed nations.
Modi said that protection of the world climate is an important topic and India has been strongly advocating the question of climate justice with all such advanced countries.
"For a long time, the development model in big and advanced countries was contradictory. In this developmental model, the thinking was that we first develop our country then we can think about the environment," the Prime Minister said in a video message.
"The theme of this year's World Environment Day is to get rid of single-use plastic, an issue which the world is talking about today. But India has been working on it consistently for the past four or five years."

"In 2018, India started working at two levels to eliminate single-use plastic. First, we banned single-use plastic, and then we made plastic waste processing mandatory," Modi revealed.

The Prime Minister added that India has increased its focus on "green and clean energy" in the past nine years.