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Indian Rescue Teams on Alert as Cyclone Biparjoy Intensifies in Arabian Sea

Biparjoy - the name of the cyclone - meaning disaster or calamity, was given by Bangladesh. The cyclone is currently located in the Arabian Sea, about 930 km west-southwest of Goa and 1,060 km south-southwest of Mumbai.
The rescue teams are on high alert and fishermen have been informed of the impending danger of cyclone Biparjoy, which is set to intensify into a strong cyclonic storm and move northward within the next 24 hours.
Severe weather conditions are expected to hit the southwest coastal states of India, including Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Goa, as warned by the India Meteorological Department (IMD) on Wednesday.
Fishermen have been advised to avoid going into the sea along the Kerala-Karnataka coast, Lakshadweep-Maldives region, and Konkan-Goa-Maharashtra coast for the next three-five days.
According to the forecast, the cyclone will escalate to a severe cyclone storm by Thursday morning and a highly intense cyclone by Friday evening.
Strong winds reaching speeds of 80-90 kilometres per hour (kmph), with gusts up to 100-115 kmph are expected to sweep across the east-central region of the Arabian Sea, extending to the west-central and southeast areas.
Cyclone Biparjoy
Cyclone Biparjoy
As part of cyclone preparedness, the state-run Oil & Natural Gas Corp. has already evacuated some of its employees on the drill ship Sagar Vijay on the Arabian Sea. Meanwhile, Hindustan Petroleum Corp Ltd. and Bharat Petroleum Corp Ltd. reportedly said there were no risks for refinery operations at sea, although precautionary measures were being taken.

Cyclone Biparjoy Delays India Monsoon Rains

India's monsoon rains, crucial for the nation's economy, are projected to start in about 48 hours, being delayed by the cyclone.
The monsoon season in India kicks off in June and lasts throughout summer. It provides about 75% of the country's rainfall annually, irrigating more than 50% of India's agricultural land.
Monsoon rains are a relief for millions of Indian farmers who are dependent on the rain to water their fields. A delay in the monsoon arrival can slow the sowing of crops in several parts of the country.