Political Affairs
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Indian PM Joins Students on Metro Ride

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday laid the foundation stone of the Delhi University Computer Centre and the building of the Faculty of Technology and the academic block. He was attending the centenary celebrations of Delhi University.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday travelled via the Delhi Metro as a common passenger and interacted with youngsters commuting on the same train.
"Happy to have youngsters as my co-passengers," the PM tweeted, sharing pictures of his interaction with students inside the metro coach.
Many ministers and commuters also shared the video of Modi's journey in the Delhi Metro.

"Like students here I travelled by metro today. Students have a lot to talk about. From discussing science topics to new series on OTT, they don't leave any subjects", said Modi, sharing his experience with students.

Delhi University, which now constitutes about 90 colleges and 86 departments in the city, was founded in 1922.
The prime minister also lauded Delhi University's contribution to different aspects of life, saying that it is not merely a university, but a movement.

"India used to have a big share in global GDP. But hundreds of years of slavery destroyed its education centres and stalled growth", he said.

Noting that Delhi University's 125th year will coincide with the country's 100th year of independence, Modi said the university should dedicate itself to the goal of having a developed India by 2047.
Political Affairs
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