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COP28: India Urges Rich Nations to Reduce Emissions Before Preaching Global South

The West has been seen shying away from its responsibility of funding green transitions in the Global South, despite being most responsible for contributing to global warming for over 200 years.
India has urged wealthy countries to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions before they ask the developing states of the Global South to take measures.
In an interview with Emirati news publication Aletihad, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi pointed out that developing countries hadn’t “contributed to the creation of the (climate change) problem”.
“Yet developing countries are willing to be a part of the solution,” Modi told the publication.
Modi called upon the global community, particularly the developed countries, to ramp up climate financing commitments to help green transitions in developing economies.
“The implementation of commitments of developed countries to provide technological and financial support to developing countries needs to be at the forefront of the agenda at COP28,” he urged.
The interview was published on Friday. Modi landed in Dubai on Thursday evening to attend the World Climate Action Summit, a high-level event of the ongoing United Nations (UN) Climate Change Conference (COP28) under the United Arab Emirates (UAE) presidency.
“COP28 will also provide an opportunity to review progress made under the Paris Agreement, and chart a path for future course on climate action,” the Indian PM said in his departure statement on Thursday evening.
Modi highlighted that the Voice of Global South Summits held under the Indian presidency of G20 had underscored the need for “climate action based on the principles of equity, climate justice, and common but differentiated responsibilities”.

Developing Nations Emitting GHG at a ‘Faster Pace’ Than Others: Indian Minister

Meanwhile, India’s Power, New and Renewable Energy Minister RK Singh has asserted that the entire Global South stood united in its view that rich nations must cut down on their emissions before they ask the developing countries to do so.
Speaking at the ‘India-Japan@2030’ conference in New Delhi on Thursday, Singh noted that developing countries were emitting greenhouse gases at a “faster pace” than other nations.
He further remarked that 80 percent of the “legacy carbon dioxide load” in the world had been contributed by developed nations, whose population is a third of the global population.

“On the other hand, India’s contribution to the carbon dioxide load is only 3 percent, though our population is 17 percent of world population. Our per capita emissions are 2.19 tons per year or one third of global average, while the global per capita average is 6.8 tons per year. So, it is for developed countries whose per capita emissions are 2–3 times the global average, to cut down emissions first. That is what the discussion on COP should be about. This is the voice of the Global South,” the Indian minister told the conference.

Singh also called upon the rich nations that they should focus on reducing emissions rather than urging the developing states to phase out coal from their energy mix.
"Discussion on coal a dangerous diversion by developed countries to shift focus away from emissions”, Singh cautioned
West Arm-Twisting Global South on Climate Change: Experts