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'Period of Awakening for South Asia': King of Bhutan on First Rail Connection With India

The massive infrastructure project intends to establish a rail link between Gelephu, Bhutan, and Kokrajhar, India — a major milestone in boosting diplomatic and economic ties between the two countries.
King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck of Bhutan in his National Day speech on Sunday emphasised the innovative railway project that aims to establish the country's first-ever rail link with India.
The completion of the massive infrastructure project, which will connect Assam's Kokrajhar and Bhutan's Gelephu, will be a major turning point in the diplomatic and economic ties between the two neighbouring countries.

Referring to the eastern Asian corridor that links Gelephu and Assam, the King noted there were "around 2 billion people in South Asia... It’s a period of awakening for the region, a period of growth, a period of immense opportunities.”

King Jigme expressed gratitude to India and its Prime Minister Narendra Modi for supporting the railway, connectivity and infrastructure.

During the monarch's visit to Delhi in early November, King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi discussed the railway scheme.

The rail link is not limited to India's Assam state and Bhutan. A joint statement following the meeting between Modi and the King stated that both parties had decided to consider the possibility of building a rail connection between Samtse, Bhutan, and Banarhat, West Bengal.
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