Political Affairs
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Can Young Voters Reshape Pakistan's February 8 General Elections?

Young Pakistani voters, who are also the biggest users of social media platforms nationwide and whose numbers have climbed recently, would certainly have a major say in the upcoming election.
The number of young voters in Pakistan has reportedly risen from 46.43 million in 2018 to 56.86 million, and these young individuals are going to play a significant role in the polls scheduled to be held on February 8.
The account states that out of the total number of voters, which is 128.58 million, 56.86 million are young individuals, and they constitute 44.22 percent.
According to the report, they include 31.85 million from Punjab province, 11.72 million from Sindh, 10.72 million from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and 2.3 million from Balochistan.
In 2018, young voters were 43.82 percent of the total electorate, it said.
Political Affairs
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