Science & Tech

Indian Scientists Develop Vitamin D-Enriched Mushrooms to Combat Deficiency

According to recent data from tests conducted by Tata 1mg Labs across 27 cities in India, a staggering 76% of the Indian population was found to have vitamin D deficiency.
Researchers at Bengaluru's Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR) have developed an organic remedy, that is, Vitamin D-enriched mushrooms, at a time when many Indians are facing Vitamin D deficiency due to lifestyle changes after Covid-19.
The groundbreaking research, led by Chandrashekara C, has resulted in the development of a revolutionary machine that enhances the elm oyster variety of mushrooms with Vitamin D2, a vital nutrient for promoting bone health and regulating the immune system.
This machine exposes mushrooms to ultraviolet radiation, converting their natural ergosterol into Vitamin D2. This process enhances the nutritional value of the mushrooms, making them a valuable source of Vitamin D2 for consumption.
The newly developed mushrooms are not only a rich source of Vitamin D, but also a great source of protein.
Chandrashekara told English daily the Times of India that mushrooms naturally contain ergosterol, which converts to Vitamin D2 when exposed to UV light.
"Our machine ensures the proper UV rays for quick ergocalciferol activation without affecting other nutrients", Chandrashekara said.
Regular mushrooms typically contain only 0.009 mcg of Vitamin D. However, according to Chandrashekara, by consuming 50-70 grams of UV-exposed fresh elm oysters or 2-3 grams that have been exposed for 10 minutes, one can easily attain 100% of the recommended daily intake of 18 mcg (micrograms).
The enriched mushrooms can be stored at room temperature for up to six months after exposure to UV light.
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