Section of Leftist Cabal Uneasy with Modi
“In fact, the difficulty with a certain section of society is that their shops have been shut so [the] propagandist cabal, Congress and some of the regional political parties don’t want Modi to win, but the fact is that all the surveys are showing that he’s coming back with a huge margin,” the political analyst said.
Plot to Stir Up Chaos in India
“The Indian government has to be on its toes and very careful about such kind of elements be it Sitharaman’s husband, Rahul Gandhi or anybody else because there are indications that they are not going to accept defeat, which is impending, and would like to create a ruckus through communal riots or similar events,” Nigam cautioned.
Western Countries Struggling to Accept India's Rising Economic Power
“The main reason why they don’t like India’s growth is because of the issues going on in their own countries. If you see, the US economy is going down and similarly Europe is feeling the heat of economic crisis so they are trying to put India down instead of putting their own house in order,” the political analyst said.