"Our scientists are working with the support of a unique vessel — an ice-resistant platform, which has the most modern equipment and technology for scientific work in high latitudes," Makarov said. "We invited Indian colleagues to join research, and they were very interested in it."
"If you look at most major projects, such as the ISS or the Large Hadron Collider, they are all international," Makarov pointed out. "A similar experience can be implemented in the Arctic with the participation of our colleagues from India."
India's Growing Interest in the Arctic
"The interest of Indian scientists in the Arctic has increased significantly recently, as climate change in high latitudes affects the entire planet," Makarov explained. "Changes in Arctic atmospheric circulation affect the monsoon system in India, which has significant consequences for agriculture. We note a shift in seasonality and intensity of monsoons, the appearance of heat waves, which affects the lives of Indian citizens."
"The natural environment needs to be constantly studied and the changes that are taking place analysed," the scientist concluded. "New scientific knowledge will help timely adapt to future climate changes and minimize possible damage. This is important and useful for all scientists in the world."