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Nagastra-1 Suicide Drones With Reusable Technology Delivered to Indian Army

The Indian Army has received Nagastra-1, the first indigenous suicide drone developed by Nagpur-based Solar Industries’ Economics Explosives Ltd (EEL), to address urgent needs along the Pakistan and China borders.
India's first batch of indigenous suicide drones with reusable technology, Nagastra-1, has been delivered successfully to the Indian Army, as reported by The Economic Times.
According to a defense official, at least 120 munitions, which will be deployed along the Pakistan and China borders, have been provided.
In a kamikaze mode, Nagastra-1 can neutralize any enemy menace including training camps, launch pads, and infiltrators, through GPS-enabled precision strikes with an accuracy of 2 meters, reported ANI.

In case of mission termination, the drone can be brought back and reused, with the help of its remarkable parachute recovery mechanism.

Moreover, its electric propulsion system provides a low acoustic signature, making it virtually undetectable by the enemy at altitudes above 200 meters, according to defense officials.
The 9-kg man-portable fixed-wing electric UAV boasts an impressive 30- to 60-minute endurance. It has a man-in-loop range of 15 km and an autonomous mode range of 30 km.
Meanwhile, an advanced version, Nagastra–2, capable of carrying a 2.2 kg warhead with an impressive range of 30km, has yet to be launched. According to media reports from April 2023, the munition was still under development.
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