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Russia and Taliban Discuss Petroleum Investment in Afghanistan

The Taliban* government, being short on funding, is seeking investments from countries keen on cooperation with the Islamic Emirate. 
Afghanistan's Mines and Petroleum Minister, Shahabuddin Delawar, and Russian businessmen associated with the country's Petrol Group, held talks on a roadmap for investments in Afghanistan's oil and gas sector, according to Taliban officials.

"Following the previous meeting with the Afghan Petroleum Company, the Acting Minister of Mines and Petroleum, Sheikh al-Hadith Shahabuddin Delawar, met again with the Russian partners of this company in his office," Afghanistan's Ministry of Mines and Petroleum wrote on X.

The statement noted that the two sides held talks on opportunities for investments in Afghanistan's mining sector. Additionally, Afghanistan sought investments in its oil and gas reserves.
Meanwhile, the Afghan minister highlighted that foreign investors would benefit from the improved security in Afghanistan.
*under UN sanctions for extremism
Political Affairs
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