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Agniveer Scheme Makes Indian Armed Forces More Agile, Nimble & Battle-Ready

The Agniveer scheme has faced a barrage of criticism from opposition parties in India, including the Congress, whose scion Rahul Gandhi has dubbed it an "injustice" and "discrimination" committed against the country's soldiers.
The Agniveer scheme is designed to make the Indian military more agile, nimble, and battle-ready so that these men become the renowned Armed Forces, Lt. General Vinod G. Khandare, the Principal Advisor to the country's Ministry of Defence (MoD), has said.
According to the Lt. General, the Agniveer scheme, launched in June 2022, was meticulously designed to address a critical issue facing the Indian Armed Forces: the ageing profile of its personnel.
The average age of soldiers in the Indian military was higher than that of many other global armed forces, which could compromise operational effectiveness.

Scheme Envisages to Induct Young & Dynamic Soldiers

He underlined that by lowering the average age of soldiers from 32 to 26 years and infusing the forces with agility, resilience, and technological adeptness, the Indian army would increase their operational effectiveness.
In his opinion, younger soldiers are more adaptable to new technologies and can engage in high-intensity operations with greater stamina and resilience.
Khandare reckoned that this initiative is aligned with global best practices where nations continually evolve their military recruitment strategies to meet contemporary security challenges. More than 70 countries enforce some form of compulsory military service to maintain a young and capable military. With its voluntary enlistment tradition, India leverages the Agniveer scheme to strike a balance between modernising its forces and respecting its democratic values.
"Additionally, Agniveers are trained in advanced combat techniques and leadership, making them versatile forces capable of addressing traditional and modern threats. This comprehensive training not only strengthens national defence but also equips Agniveers with skills that enhance their employability in civilian life, contributing to national development. Therefore, the scheme is not about discrimination; it is a forward-thinking reform that ensures the Indian Armed Forces remain one of the most capable and effective in the world," the top MoD official told Sputnik India on Monday.
Moreover, the Agniveer scheme fosters a culture of discipline and duty among the youth, which is essential for both military and civilian life. The seamless transition of Agniveers into roles within state police and Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) enhances internal security and strengthens the overall security apparatus, he emphasized.

"This integration ensures that these forces benefit from the military training and discipline instilled during service, improving operational efficiency. It (the Agniveer scheme) empowers the youth with skills and values that contribute to national security and socio-economic development, ensuring India's safer and more prosperous future," Khandare asserted.

He expressed that this military shift is essential in an era of evolving geopolitical tensions, terrorism, cyber threats, and technological advancements.
Indian paratroopers perform a re-enactment of the army landing in Srinagar in 1947, at the Indian Air Force Station on the outskirts of Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Thursday, Oct. 27, 2022.

India Braces for War of Attrition

"Wars of attrition continue. India would need large number of reservists in officer ranks and in subordinate rank and file. We need competent, young and healthy reservists. Large casualties have taken place in recent global conflicts. Short conflicts are a myth. Agniveer scheme does have an answer to this quagmire," the former deputy chief of the Integrated Defence Staff explained.
Besides, the post-service benefits and career opportunities for Agniveers stimulate economic growth as they become productive workforce members with enhanced skills and experience.
Furthermore, it offers several benefits that significantly enhance youth opportunities. The Agniveer Skill Certificate highlights the skills and level of competency acquired during the engagement period, covering a wide range of skills.
During their active service, Agniveers will receive pay and allowances similar to regular soldiers, including Risk and Hardship allowances. Upon completing their service, they will receive a Seva Nidhi package amounting to approximately INR 1.2 million, providing a financial cushion as they transition back to civilian life.
Agniveers who joined after completing class 10 will receive a certificate equivalent to class 12 upon completing their four-year service. This educational advancement significantly boosts their opportunities, opening doors to further educational and career prospects.
The scheme also provides avenues for financial loans for self-employment or entrepreneurship through bank guarantees, encouraging Agniveers to pursue their entrepreneurial aspirations. Plus, Agniveers will benefit from a 10% reservation in CAPF recruitment without needing the mandatory physical test, further easing their transition into civilian security roles.
It is worth noting that the Agniveer Scheme was established in response to the recommendations of various expert committees — including the Arun Singh Committee (1989), the Kargil Review Committee (2000), the Standing Committee on Defence (2006), and the Shekatkar Committee (2017). These committees have long set the stage for such a transformative scheme.

Opposition's Criticism of Agniveer Scheme is All Lies & Propaganda

Meanwhile, Major Manik M Jolly (Retd), noted that the criticism around the Agniveer scheme by Congress and others would be more legitimate if it wasn't all lies and propaganda.
"Sadly all they have been doing is sensationalise the issue rather than come up with valid critical points," the former Indian Army officer told Sputnik India on Tuesday.
He pointed out that the two real testaments of the scheme are firstly, the number of youngsters that turn up for rallies to enroll as Agniveers, and second, the positive feedback from on-ground commanding officers who are managing and assessing the Agniveers. Everything else is just opinion based on bias.
Major Manik suggested that the initiatives for the improvement of the Indian Army cannot be limited to equipment and weapons only. Army HQ constantly keeps working on HR-related issues and after having worked for years on Agniveer, the scheme was rolled out keeping all risks and shortcomings in mind.
"For politicians to think that officers sitting in Army HQ would be less concerned about the well-being and effectiveness of the army, is a questionable stand in itself," he remarked.
He mentioned that the Agniveer scheme will be best assessed, like all other major schemes and policies, after a few years only, once a few cycles of recruitment and absorption have gone through, and the effectiveness of these entries has been judged against the traditional entry schemes. Till that time, a lot of assessments are speculation and biased opinions.

"The opposition, led by the Indian National Congress (INC), has been on a constant mission to drive a wedge between officers and men, regular troops versus Agniveers, veterans versus serving, etc. Hence their criticism comes with an agenda of 'divide and rule'. Thus it's imperative that while Agniveer, like all schemes, will have its shortcomings, it is judged purely on facts and figures and not hearsay and propaganda," Major Manik highlighted.

On the other hand, Dr. Manjari Singh, an international relations academic at Amity University believes that the Agniveer scheme resolves India's concerns related to modern warfare.
"By focusing on the youth, the Agniveer scheme is trying to address the evolving dynamics of modern warfare which will not be fought in traditional domains and would rather employ perception and propaganda management, cyber know-how, and critical AI-installed information warfare. Under such circumstances, an agile youth equipped with modern technology can be an asset," she said in a conversation with Sputnik India.
Also, it gives leverage to the country in terms of maintaining large forces which puts a deep impact on the nation's exchequer.

"...Indian Army is emphasising on Integrated Battle Groups which have better mobility, are small to maintain, involve better coordination and task task-orientated. In the same manner, the Agniveer scheme is also likely to deliver on many fronts in the future," she concluded.

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