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Struggling West Exports Chaos to Serbia, Bangladesh & Venezuela: Top Russian Official

The involvement of the American deep state in regime changes worldwide is well documented. The recent turmoil in Bangladesh has reignited the issue, with Indian geopolitical analysts pointing fingers at Washington for ex-PM Sheikh Hasina's ouster from power earlier this month.
Collective West nations, particularly the US and the UK are trying to instigate trouble in other countries to divert the attention of their local population from internal issues, Nikolai Patrushev, an aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview with Russian news agency.
Citing the examples of Bangladesh, Serbia, and Venezuela, the former Russian National Security Advisor (NSA) accused the US, and the UK of "exporting chaos beyond their borders".
"Faced with domestic political strife, economic and financial problems, and unrest caused by clashes between migrants and native populations, the US and the UK are seeking to export chaos beyond their borders, increasingly igniting military, ethnic, and religious conflicts abroad," Patrushev stated.
The Russian presidential assistant highlighted that the West attempted to change the democratically elected government in Belgrade with lawmakers having close ties with Washington.
Notably, Serbia's new government that was voted to power in May this year resulted in the reinstatement of a few pro-Russian politicians who are still on America's sanctions list.
"Westerners are organizing mass unrest in other countries as well," Patrushev added, pointing to the military takeover in Bangladesh.
Interestingly, Bangladesh's ousted Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has publicly accused the US of having a role in her removal from office because she refused to hand over St. Martin's Island to Washington for military use.
"I could have remained in power if I had surrendered the sovereignty of Saint Martin Island and allowed America to hold sway over the Bay of Bengal," she said in an undelivered speech shared by her son Sajeeb Wazed after she was forced to flee to India following weeks of violent protests in her country.
Political Affairs
Sheikh Hasina Confirms US Role in Ouster in Bangladesh: Media