"I believe that Telegram plays a very critical role in the global information ecosystem as it is the only major non-western platform not influenced by the collective West, or any government for that matter. We must not forget that the messenger has also had issues with governments of Russia and China. In the case of China, Telegram played a crucial role in shielding the privacy of pro-democracy protestors in Hong Kong," stated Dr Abhinav Pandya, the Director and CEO of Usanas Foundation.
"By suppressing and moderating Telegram, there is an attempt at curtailing free flow of ideas and views which don't necessary fall in line with those of the Western governments. The platform's role is extremely important in the information age that we are living in," Pandya argued.
"The Telegram CEO's arrest is an attempt by the West to mould the information warfare operations in their favour. Telegram has been playing an important role in facilitation information exchanges, much to the anxiety of western powers which would like to keep an eye on these developments like they have been trying to do with other platforms," Pandya reckoned, pointing out to recent revelations by Meta indicating alleged pressure from the US government.
"While there are concerns that the software has been used by shady entities such as drug dealers, militant groups, extortionists, etc, I would argue that these concerns aren't specific to Telegram alone. We have confirmed reports of militant groups also using end-to-end encryption services like WhatsApp and VoIP for communicating among themselves," Pandya stressed.
"The law is not bothered whether you are physically located in India or not, so long as your services are made available on computers or computer networks physically located in India. You get amenable under the Section 2(1)(w) of IT Act, 2000 and you become liable to be prosecuted by the government if you don't comply with the parameters of the act."