Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Wednesday said that New Delhi will continue to support the Maldivian National Defence Force, including training programs, joint exercises, and supply of military equipment as he underlined that the archipelago held a special place in the country's neighbourhood first policy.
"India will continue to support the Maldives and the Maldives National Defence Force in their capacity-building efforts through projects, equipment and training. As a trusted partner and a close friend, I assure you that India will continue to support Maldives on its development needs and welfare of its people," Singh said following delegation-level meeting with his Maldivian counterpart Mohammed Ghassan Maumoon in New Delhi.
"Both nations are key players in maintaining the safety and security of the Indian Ocean region, thus contributing to 'Security And Growth For All' (SAGAR) in the region," he added.
Notably, ties between India and Maldives went into a downward spiral after Mohamed Muizzu, a pro-China leader, stormed to power in November 2023 before experiencing a rapprochement after he paid a visit to New Delhi after Prime Minister Narendra Modi won a historic third consecutive term in 2024's national polls.
In recent months, relations between Male and New Delhi have warmed further, especially after Muizzu's state visit to India in October 2024.
Subsequently, Modi's government announced a bailout package worth $760 million for Maldives, which was on the verge of sovereign default at that stage.