Cookie and Automatic Logging Policy

This Cookie and Automatic Logging Policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Cookie Policy") applies to the information resources of Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency (hereinafter referred to as the "Agency").
To better understand how we use your personal data, please read this Cookie Policy and our Privacy Policy.
How cookies work
The Agency uses cookies in its information resources.
A cookie is a small data file which is stored on your device (a computer or a mobile device) when you visit our information resources. The next time you visit, it will enable our information resources to recognise your device for a more streamlined user experience.
Cookie files store the following data about your online activity:
· your IP address;
· type and version of your device’s operating system;
· type and version of your device’s browser;
· language of your operating system and browser;
· type of your device and its screen resolution;
· your location;
· source from which you came to the website;
· website or ad containing the link you clicked to get to our website;
· what pages you open and what buttons you click.
Our information resources gather and record data in cookie files automatically.
We do not use cookies to identify an individual or create a user profile. We do not integrate this information with other data.
The purpose of collecting cookie data is set forth in Clause 5.2 of our Privacy Policy.
This website uses cookie collection and analysis tools such as internal and external recommender systems, analytical systems, ad pixels and trackers.
For more information on cookie types, please refer to free third-party websites, for example:
In addition to our own services, we may use third-party services for collecting and analysing cookies from our information resources, for example:
· Google Analytics (
· Google Adsense (
· comScore (
· Doubleclick by Google (
· Taboola (
· AdRiver (
· Yandex.Metrika (
· LiveInternet (
· Postquare (
· AdFox (
· Yandex.Direct (
· Flurry* (
· BEACONSPARK LTD (Engageya; Postquare)
· WMG International, Inc. (WMG)
· SSP Network (Between Exchange)
*This service only collects data from our mobile app for Android and iOS
We use only those third-party services that maintain high security standards when processing data.
We only collect cookies using third-party services with your consent.
More information about cookies and how to manage them is available in the public domain at
Information about organisations providing more details about Online Behavioral Advertising (OBA) is available in the public domain on the following websites:
· Evidon, a developer of privacy solutions.
· Your Online Choices, a website by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) that offers users an opportunity to opt out of receiving OBA from every advertising network represented by IAB.
· opt-out page of the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) offers users the opportunity to opt out of receiving OBA from every advertising network represented by NAI.
· Self-Regulatory Principles for OBA from the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA).
Cookie use consent
When you first visit any of our information resources, we ask if you agree to the use of cookies. You will see a cookie consent notice on your screen.
Refusing cookies
You have the right to decline cookies by disabling or deleting cookies in your browser settings. These options can usually be found in Options, Tools, Settings, Preferences, etc. in your browser menu.
You can find cookie disabling steps for some browsers below:
· Firefox
· Internet Explorer
· Google Chrome
· Safari
Once you have switched off or deleted cookies, the cookie notice will appear on the screen every time you visit the website.
Storing cookies
Some cookies are deleted from your device automatically when you close the browser.
Some cookies will be deleted after a certain period of time. This period can vary from the time you spent on the website to three years.
If you disable or delete cookies in your browser settings, cookie files will be deleted immediately.
How long a cookie is stored depends on the type of cookie. For more information on cookie types and their according lifetimes, please refer to free third-party websites, for example:
Automatic logging
Our web servers and security systems temporarily store technical data.
Processing technical data is required for the smooth operation and security of our information resources.
Technical data include:
· IP address of your computer/device;
· viewed content (name and URL of a file you viewed on the website);
· date and time of viewing;
· time zone in GMT;
· connection status;
· traffic volume;
· technical characteristics of your device, including language, browser version and operating system;
· URLs of the websites you visited;
· ID assigned to your device when you install our mobile app.*
*We gather this information only if you use our mobile app for Android or iOS.
Technical data are not used to identify an individual or to create a user profile. We do not integrate technical data with any other data or transfer it to anybody else.
Technical data will be stored for up to 12 months from the time of collection. This period can be extended only when required under Russian or EU law.
The only way for you to opt out of technical data gathering is to stop using our information resources.
Information sources to which data protection regulations apply
Web sites:;;;;;;;;;;
Mobile apps: Sputnik (iOS; Android): International/English, Mundo/Spanish, Brasil/Portuguese, Česká republika/Czech, Deutschland/German, Afrique/French,Italia/Italian, Литва/Russian, Латвия/Russian, Polska/Polish
Sputnik Trending (iOS; Android): English, Español
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