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New Russian Short-Range Missiles for Su-57 Touted as Outpacing US for Years Ahead

© Sputnik / Vladimir Astapkovich / Go to the mediabankSu-57
Su-57 - Sputnik India, 1920, 04.08.2023
Russia has developed fifth-generation short-range RVV-MD2 missiles for Su-57 fighters, which are said to outpace similar American developments in the defense industry.
This was shared by representatives of the manufacturing company GosMKB "Vympel" have announced in a publication for the local defense outlet, Arsenal Otechestva magazine.

“The development of fifth-generation air-to-air missiles in Russia, which have reached the industrial stage of production, is five to ten years ahead of similar developments in the United States,” the publication said.

Unlike the United States, in Russia, the development and testing of these missiles was carried out as soon as possible, and the stage of adoption into service has already begun.
RVV-MD2 can be placed in the inner fuselage compartments of the fifth generation Su-57 fighter, experts explained.

As the editor-in-chief of the magazine Viktor Murakhovsky clarified to Sputnik, the RVV-MD2 for the first time among short-range missiles uses an inertial control system designed to control the missile and stabilize it in autonomous flight.

What Makes RVV-MD2 a Slap in the Face of US?

The inertial system assumes that the ammunition determines its coordinates in space autonomously, without external reference points and signals.
In addition, Murakhovsky noted, the RVV-MD2 is equipped with a radio correction line, which allows you to specify the coordinates of the target from the aircraft, increasing the likelihood of hitting enemy aircraft.
Another advantage of the new missile is a multi-element dual-band infrared homing head with increased noise immunity.
The new missile can hit targets at all angles, in particular in the rear hemisphere - that is, the RVV-MD2 is launched forward, turns in the air and hits an enemy aircraft behind the Su-57, Murakhovsky explained.
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