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Indian Navy Rescues 17 Crew Members as Pirates Surrender in Intense 40-Hour Operation

© PhotoIndian Navy Rescues 17 Crew Members as Pirates Surrender in Intense 40-Hour Operation
Indian Navy Rescues 17 Crew Members as Pirates Surrender in Intense 40-Hour Operation - Sputnik India, 1920, 17.03.2024
The long and grueling 40-hour operation conducted by the Indian Navy in the Arabian Sea finally came to an end with the surrender of 35 pirates, and rescue of 17 crew members, marking a major victory for maritime security
The Indian Navy's warship INS Kolkata intercepted the hijacked merchant vessel Ruen 2600 km away from the Indian coast on March 14, which had been taken to Somalian waters by pirates on December 14 for illegal activities.
In an intricately planned and expertly executed mission, the Indian Navy conducted a 40-hour operation in the Arabian Sea, resulting in the surrender of 35 pirates and the safe rescue of 17 distressed crew members from the vessel.
The Indian Navy destroyer INS Kolkata, in collaboration with INS Subhadra, HALE RPA drones, P8I maritime patrol aircraft, and elite MARCOS PRAHARs airdropped by a C-17 aircraft, promptly launched a widespread rescue operation, engaging in intense gunfire with the pirates until they surrendered.
Following the successful rescue of the crew members, the Indian Navy thoroughly searched the vessel to eliminate any remaining threats posed by illegal arms, ammunition, or contraband.
Indian Navy Thwarts Somali Pirates' Hijacking Attempt - Sputnik India, 1920, 16.03.2024
Defenсe News
Indian Navy Thwarts Somali Pirates' Hijacking Attempt
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