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HAL's Upgraded Indigenous Jets Set to Boost IAF's Defense Capabilities

© PhotoIndia Successfully Test Fires Made-in-India ASTRA Missile From LCA Tejas
India Successfully Test Fires Made-in-India ASTRA Missile From LCA Tejas - Sputnik India, 1920, 19.03.2024
The upcoming delivery of the first Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas Mark-1A fighter aircraft to the Indian Air Force marks a major milestone in India's efforts to strengthen its air defense capabilities.
The Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) is set to deliver the first Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Mark-1A fighter aircraft to the Indian Air Force by March 31 as part of a massive INR 480 Billion ($5.78 Billion) contract with the Defence Ministry to acquire 83 Tejas Mark-1A fighter jets for the Indian Air Force.
Defense sources told Indian media that numerous ground trials for the inaugural LCA Mark-1A have already been conducted, and efforts are underway to ascertain its delivery, complete with all essential integrations.
According to the source, there is also an effort being made to deliver one trainer aircraft along with the fighter version of the plane.

What Makes LCA Mark-1A Jets Special?

The indigenously developed Tejas LCA Mark-1A is equipped with advanced avionics and weaponry that will strengthen India's defense strategies and contribute to its overall national security.
The Tejas, designed by India's Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) in collaboration with Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), showcases India's prowess in aeronautical engineering.

The upgraded Mark-1A version boasts an advanced mission computer, high-performance digital fly-by-wire flight control computer (DFCC), smart multi-function displays, advanced electronically scanned array radar, advanced self-protection jammer, updated electronic warfare suit, and various other cutting-edge capabilities.

© Photo : TwitterLCA Tejas Mark 1A taking off
LCA Tejas Mark 1A taking off - Sputnik India, 1920, 19.03.2024
LCA Tejas Mark 1A taking off
The LCA Mark-1A fighter aircraft, a light combat aircraft, is scheduled to be deployed at the Nal airbase in Bikaner, Rajasthan, near Pakistan border.

By having these advanced and indigenous fighter aircraft in close proximity to the border, the IAF will be able to respond swiftly and effectively to any potential threats, ensuring greater security for the nation.

IAF'S LCA Tejas Mark-1A Vs. PAF'S JF-17 Thunder

The Indian Air Force's light combat aircraft (LCA) Tejas has frequently been compared to the Pakistan Air Force's JF-17 Thunder, both being single-seat, single-engine, lightweight, high-agility supersonic fighter jets.
Envisioned as fourth-generation jets, both Tejas LCA and JF-17 Thunder boost off similar roles.
The JF-17 Thunder is a Pakistan-specific version of China's FC-1 Xiaolong, which was jointly developed by the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex and China's Chengdu Aircraft Corporation.
The safety record of the Indian Air Force's Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas is far better than its competitor, the Pakistan Air Force's JF-17 Thunder lightweight combat aircraft, having suffered several accidents in the past since becoming operational in 2010.
 	  IAF Tejas - Sputnik India, 1920, 31.07.2023
How Powerful Are India's Tejas Fighter Jets?
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