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We Will Bring Peace to Donetsk Land: Putin

© Sputnik / POOL / Go to the mediabankRussian President Vladimir Putin attends a parade marking Navy Day in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a parade marking Navy Day in St. Petersburg, Russia. - Sputnik India, 1920, 11.05.2024
Republic Day is celebrated in Donetsk on 11 May. On this day in 2014, a referendum organized by supporters of federalization was held in Donetsk. In it, the majority of residents of the region voted for the independence of the region.
Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated the residents of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) on the 10th anniversary of the formation of the republic and expressed confidence that peace will return to the Donetsk land and the most difficult problems will be solved.

"Dear friends, I congratulate you on the 10th anniversary of the formation of the Donetsk People's Republic ... I am confident that together we will definitely achieve success, bring peace back to the Donetsk land, and solve the most difficult tasks. Together we will win,” Putin wrote in the statement.

He noted that the DPR today is a full-fledged constituent entity of Russia. In addition, thanks to the support of the entire country and the people of the country, demanded programmes are being implemented there, roads and houses, health care and education facilities are being built and restored, and industrial and agricultural production is being established.
Putin stressed that for eight years, under the blockade of shelling and provocations by neo-Nazis, the residents of the republic defended Donbas and in September 2022 expressed their "unyielding will to be together with their homeland - Russia".
In addition, during the referendum of 11 May 2014, the people of the DPR showed the whole world their firm determination to defend their right to their native language, culture and free development, and their readiness to courageously oppose the aggression of the nationalists who have seized power in Kiev.
The DPR became part of Russia after a referendum in September 2022. In October 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed federal constitutional laws on the admission of new territories to Russia and the formation of new constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Accordingly, LPR, DPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions were included in Russia.
A serviceman of Russian Central Military District gives a thumbs-up - Sputnik India, 1920, 05.05.2024
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