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Russia Seeks to Promote Job Creation, Project Investment in Afghanistan

© AP Photo / Hussein MallaAfghans wait to receive food supplies during a distribution of humanitarian aid for families in need, in Kabul, Afghanistan, Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2022.
Afghans wait to receive food supplies during a distribution of humanitarian aid for families in need, in Kabul, Afghanistan, Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2022. - Sputnik India, 1920, 15.05.2024
Afghanistan's strategic location and vast resources make it an attractive destination for investment and job creation for Russia.
Russia intends to create employment opportunities in Afghanistan and invest in a wide array of projects, Rustam Khabibullin, the head of the Russian Business Centre in Afghanistan, told Sputnik.
Khabibullin stated that Russian investments have begun to flow into Afghanistan to bolster the development of diverse sectors, including infrastructure, energy, and mining, and drive the country's economic growth.

"The factories, as well as agriculture, including the construction of the Kush-Tape water canal, are of great interest to us. Several of our companies are arranging long- term leases of land plots for agricultural purposes near this canal", Khabibullin said.

He mentioned that Russia is also actively involved in humanitarian efforts in Afghanistan, highlighting that the Muslim Patriotic Charitable Foundation distributed over 250,000 boxes of medicine to help Afghan residents in need last year.

"We are determined to create employment opportunities and entice Russian investors to engage in Afghan projects", Khabibullin added.

A member of Taliban security force stands guard on a blocked road after a suicide blast near Afghanistan's foreign ministry at the Zanbaq Square in Kabul on January 11, 2023. - Sputnik India, 1920, 14.04.2023
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