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Calls For Banning Russian Media in India Expose US Doublespeak

© AP Photo / Evan VucciPresident Joe Biden is greeted by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after arriving at Ben Gurion International Airport
President Joe Biden is greeted by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after arriving at Ben Gurion International Airport - Sputnik India, 1920, 16.09.2024
The US appears to have once again attempted to interfere in India's internal affairs by reportedly pressuring the country to sanction Russian state media networks.
The American efforts to force India to ban Russian publications have highlighted its double standards on freedom of speech, according to two strategic affairs experts who spoke to Sputnik India.
The United States has consistently adopted double-speak on the oft-repeated term 'freedom of speech'; it is only supportive when the narrative suits its interests, claimed Prashant Pandey, co-author of the best-selling book BBC: True Lies.
The US Deep State has always been wary of increasing Russian influence, including in the media, in India. Pandey pointed out. He noted that the US is already frustrated with India's strong ties with Russia, despite pressure from American lobbies to distance itself from the country.

"The US is facing tough times on its home turf. In such a situation, it does not want to be seen as if its influence is dwindling globally; India is a very important country in this regard. Additionally, Washington could also be thinking of drawing some economic bargain, like New Delhi buying military equipment or giving American companies access in specific sectors, in its favour vis-a-vis India," Pandey stressed.

Besides, attempts like trying to impact another foreign news agency are yet another example of the US trying to keep India preoccupied with its pokes, which undoubtedly paints the US in a poor light as a self-proclaimed champion of free speech, he noted.
Moreover, such actions amount to interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state, he emphasised. The US cannot dictate whether an international news agency should be allowed to operate in a country, he added.

"India's recent independent approach to global affairs has ruffled feathers in the US establishment. The current 'advice' is part of the US 'flexing its muscles', hoping that India will toe its line," Pandey added.

Meanwhile, Talmiz Ahmad, the former Indian ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Oman, and the UAE, highlighted the strict media censorship in the US, where only certain viewpoints are allowed. He noted that opinions outside the mainstream face significant restrictions. Ahmad referenced the Jewish Chronicle, one of the oldest continuously published London-based newspapers, which saw the resignation of four columnists due to fabricated stories, including articles about Gaza.

"That's why, I am not surprised at all about the Americans seeking restrictions on Russian media activities. Do remember here that some time back Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government banned the Qatari news network Al Jazeera," Ahmad told Sputnik India.

The pundit suggested that US actions reflect a fear of non-Western ideas and agendas in countries they consider their 'sphere of influence.'
Ahmad observed that the US seeks to control the flow of information to promote news that conforms to its point of view, which is why it's pressuring India to ban Russian media outlets.
The former diplomat also pointed out the obvious double standards being applied by the US regarding the Ukraine conflict and the Israeli war in Gaza.

"It is right in front of our eyes that the so-called crimes that the Americans accuse the Russians of committing in Eastern Europe are being perpetrated by the Israelis in Gaza, and yet there is no criticism of Tel Aviv from Washington," he underlined.

He argued that imperialism never ceases its efforts to control other nations — politically, economically, civilisationally, or culturally. Attempts to pull India into the imperialist sphere and ensure that public opinion in the country aligns with the American agenda, rather than following an independent policy, will be ongoing, he believes.

"The US agenda is promoted within India by a powerful American-sponsored lobby and there are large numbers of people within the country who sing the American song and the Indian media's columns are full of their writings. The Americans would like this kind of articles, and op-eds to dominate India's news flow rather than alternative views provided by other media sources like the Russians," he concluded.

A signboard of the Rossiya Segodnya international news agency at the entrance to the agency's building. - Sputnik India, 1920, 14.09.2024
US Targets Russian Media As It's Trusted Globally
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