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Minister Orders Probe After False Tsunami Alert Triggers Panic in Goa

An Early Warning Dissemination System (EWDS) has been installed at Porvorim area in North Goa which gives an alarm for tsunamis.
The Water Resource Department (WRD) minister in India's Goa state Subhash Shirodkar has ordered a probe after a siren at the Early Waning Dissemination System (EWDS) gave a false alert for a tsunami.
Shirodkar said that he has asked his department to submit a report over the issue by this evening.
The siren started sounding at around 9 p.m. (IST) on Wednesday and continued to ring for more than 20 minutes, causing panic among local residents.
While talking to the reporters, North Goa District Collector Mamu Hage said that there was no such threat of tsunamis from any of the authorities.
“There was no mock drill or anything. I have personally checked and found out that there was no warning either from India Meteorological Department (IMD) or the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS),” she further stated.
She also directed the water resource department to ascertain the reason why the siren started sounding.
The North Goa District Disaster Authority later urged people not to panic through a social media post and clarified that no such alert of tsunami had been issued by the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS).
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