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India, China Display Strength & Maturity By Resolving Issues Through Dialogue

With tensions heating up around the world, an Indian army veteran has maintained that India and China would not get into a war and would essentially end up resolving issues through talks despite toughening their positions.
In light of the media reports, in which the Indian army talked about "unreported incidents" at the disputed border line between the two nations, Retired Major General Shashi Bhushan Asthana addressed the issue by highlighting the efficacy of "common understanding" and regular meetings between the officers of the two forces - the Indian Army and the People's Liberation Army [of China] in managing such incidents.

"India's stand on the issue is quite clear to China. India wants it to maintain pre-April 2020 status on the border," he said, explaining that it's the perception that differs and leads to confrontation at the disputed bordering areas.

"The Indian Army and the PLA are strong and mature forces. They are capable of handling issues among themselves in most cases, and the fact that they are still talking makes it clear they don't want to fight at the moment," Asthana stated.
When asked about the "unreported incidents" involving the security forces of both nations, he explained that standard operating procedures (SOPs) are in place to guide the border armies. He clarified that such incidents rarely occur, say once or twice, and even when they do, they are typically resolved during local meetings between the forces.

"The fact that talks are on between the forces of India and China makes it clear that they want to iron out their differences and don't want to fight," the Indian army veteran said, expressing hope that the two would be able to sort out issues some time in the future.

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