Defenсe News
Top stories about the Indian Army, its partners & rivals in the region and the international arena.

India to Ditch All Ammunition Imports Amid Indigenisation Drive

During the upcoming fiscal year, India plans to completely cease ammunition imports, except in instances where the quantity required is minimal and is not cost-effective for the domestic industry to produce them, stated Maj. Gen. VK Sharma, ADG (Procurement) of the Indian Army.
The Indian military aims to cease all ammunition imports starting the upcoming fiscal year, as domestic industry has significantly enhanced its capacity to fulfil all requirements and is even positioned to capture a portion of the global market, according to a senior procurement official, cited by media.
Previously heavily reliant on imports to meet annual demands, the army has now secured indigenous suppliers for nearly 150 of the 175 types of ammunition it utilizes. The goal is to completely eliminate imports by 2025-26.

"In the next financial year, we will not have any import of ammunition. Other than in cases where the quantity is too low and it is not economical for the industry to manufacture them", said Maj. Gen. VK Sharma, ADG (Procurement), Indian Army

Speaking at a seminar on ammunition production organised by the PHD Chamber, he mentioned that the army currently procures ammunition worth ₹6,000-8,000 crore annually, all of which will henceforth be sourced domestically.
With gradual restrictions on imports, currently only 5-10% of the requirements are sourced from foreign suppliers.

In addition to ordnance factories, which have undergone corporatization, numerous private sector entities have entered the sector in recent years, establishing new ammunition plants across the nation.

The army anticipates that with the increasing capacity, Indian companies could emerge as significant players in the global market.

“As far as world demand is concerned, a market worth over $30 billion is available. At present, not even 1% is coming from Indian sources. We have the capacity to come to 5-10% in the next 4-5 years and maybe 25-30% in the future", Maj. Gen. Sharma noted.

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