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Vladimir Putin Outlines Terms of Possible Peace Talks With Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin has addressed top officials at the Russian Foreign Ministry headquarters in Moscow, during which he shared his assessment of the current global situation, with a focus on the Ukraine issue and the emerging multipolar world order.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that the upcoming peace summit on Ukraine, to be hosted by Switzerland, is doomed to be a "demagogic talk".
Putin was addressing top Russian officials in Moscow on Friday. The Russian president said that the meeting will figure "accusations against Russia".
Spelling out his own conditions for a ceasefire, Putin emphasised that Ukraine must withdraw its troops from the Donbass region and assure that it won't seek membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO).

"As soon as Kiev declares that it is ready for such a decision and begins the real withdrawal of troops from these regions, as well as officially notifies of the rejection of plans to join NATO, an order will immediately follow from our side, literally at the same minute, to cease fire and begin negotiations. I repeat, we will do this immediately," Putin underscored.

The comments from the Russian president come a day before the summit in the Swiss resort of Bürgenstock on 15-16 June. He further assured of a "unhindered and safe withdrawal of Ukrainian units and formations."

"We would like to expect that such a decision on the withdrawal of troops, on the non-bloc status, and on the beginning of a dialogue with Russia, on which the future existence of Ukraine depends, will be taken independently in Kiev, based on the prevailing realities and guided by the genuine national interests of the Ukrainian people, and not on Western orders," Putin stated.

Additionally, he stressed that basic agreements on a peaceful settlement of the Ukraine issue should be based on "international treaties". Putin also did not rule out the expectations that sanctions against Russia be removed.

"Of course, the lifting of sanctions against Russia is also expected," the Russian president highlighted.

He, however, expressed "grave doubts" that either Kiev or its Western backers would accept the Russian ceasefire proposition at this stage.
Despite efforts by Volodymyr Zelensky to lobby Global South nations to attend the Swiss conference, the response from developing and emerging economies has been tepid at best.
While countries like China and Saudi Arabia have refused to attend the conference, India hasn't yet made public its level of representation at the meeting. Meantime, Indian media has reported that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is expected to stay away from the event.

BRICS to Become a 'Core Regulatory' Institution: Putin

Referring to the BRICS grouping, the Russian president claimed that it will become one of the "core regulatory institutions" of the global order in the near future.
He assured all the new BRICS members that Moscow would "facilitate their smooth inclusion" in the grouping.

"We see the emergence of a multipolar world. This is an objective process that reflects the diversity of the world and this inspires optimism," the Russian leader remarked.

Putin likewise said that the global economy was rapidly changing and the world was no longer the same either in politics or economy.
He then underscored that Moscow had always offered "constructive security solutions" to its foreign partners.

Further, Putin noted that Russia had always been in favour of developing a dialogue mechanism at the UN geared towards the principle of "indivisible security".

Theft of Russian Assets Won't Go Unpunished: Putin

At the same time, Putin asserted that the "theft of Russian assets" in Western countries won’t go unpunished.

"Anyone could be next in line for the West to seize state assets," Putin said.

The stern warning by the Russian president comes against the backdrop of G7 leaders having agreed in principle at the ongoing summit in Italy to extend nearly $50 billion in loans to Ukraine. Those are backed by profits generated from roughly $322 billion of Russian Central Bank assets in the West.

During his address, Putin pointed out that the US had been constantly undermining the European Union’s (EU) interests by forcing it to buy "more expensive" American gas and also pressing it to export artillery shells to Ukraine.

"Europe could save itself as one of centres of global development if it keeps good relations with Russia," the president said.

'US Selfishness and Hypocrisy Led to a Dangerous Turn of Events'

Criticising the US, Putin said that Washington’s "selfishness and hypocrisy" has led to a dangerous turn of events.

"We came close to a point of no return. They wanted to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia. This is what their policy is all about. They simply believe in their impunity and exclusive nature but this can lead to tragedy," Putin warned.

He said that the US-led collective West believed that it had won the Cold War and could determine the world order.
Meantime Putin assured that the US ignored Russia’s "reservations" vis-à-vis major issues, including on security guarantees around its eastern borders.

The Russian leader asserted that it was necessary to begin discussions on "collective security guarantees" in the Eurasian region and reduce the "presence of extra-regional military forces."

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