Ladakh Standoff
The Indian and Chinese armies engaged in major clashes along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in 2020. Since, relations between the two neighbors have remained tense.

Russia Could Alleviate India's Concerns Within SCO: Opinion

Close ties with other Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) member states is crucial for India to overcome global challenges that transcend borders and necessitate collective efforts, according to experts.
Russia could allay India's fears of aggressive moves by fellow Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) member China, pundits say.
The meeting between Indian Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar and his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi on Thursday holds "importance", especially given India's emphasis on dialogue and diplomacy, former ambassador Anil Trigunayat, a distinguished fellow at the Vivekananda International Foundation told Sputnik India.
SCO utilizes its "robust Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS) to enhance cooperation among member states through regular exercises and the exchange of information, including intelligence sharing, to combat terrorism effectively and uphold regional stability — critical considerations to bear in mind," Trigunayat added.

The ambassador mentioned that collaboration with the cooperation member countries is crucial for India because global challenges do not recognize borders and require collective efforts.

Russia's Key Role in Easing India's Fears within SCO

Strategic affairs expert and retired lieutenant colonel Jassi Sodhi highlighted during a conversation with Sputnik India that as a reliable and time-tested friend, Russia can play a key role in easing India's concern and restoring its confidence in the SCO.
Moreover, he believes that Russia can effectively manage the complex dynamics between China and India within the SCO, which could potentially prevent the looming threat of a "two-front war".
Russia is unlike Western countries which have allowed their territories to be used "for activities against India", the military commentator stressed.

Sodhi argued that neither Russia nor its predecessor the USSR, "allowed their soil to be used for anti-Indian purposes — a significant testament to the genuineness of Russia's interest and relationship with India in today's intricate global landscape."

SCO and India's Unity against Terrorism

In the meantime, Trigunayat stated that concurring in the SCO's counter-terrorism action agenda, India provides its own vision on the matter.

"India brings valuable expertise to the table, particularly in counter-terrorism, demonstrated through exercises conducted with various nations," he added.

The country's neighbour Afghanistan remains a pivotal "area of concern" and security problems in the state need addressing, he said.
However, Trigunayat argued that the SCO's expansion to include countries like Iran and Belarus underlines its "growing relevance and the corresponding increase in challenges."
Against the backdrop of ongoing conflicts with potential for escalation, this meeting aims to "convey a unified message advocating for de-escalation and easing tensions across all fronts," he concluded.
Sputnik Opinion
Why SCO Needs India: Opinion