"Time and again, there have been calls within the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to reconsider the 'No First Use' policy. In 2016, the then Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar had backed introducing an element of unpredictability to India's nuclear doctrine," remarked defence analyst Qamar Agha.
"So, I believe that Pakistan's move to develop long-range missiles which could be fitted with nuclear warheads will definitely have a bearing on Indian policy makers. There is a likelihood that in view of the developments, India would reconsider its "No First Use" policy," Agha stressed.
"India is very much committed to the 'No First Use' doctrine. However, as stated by the Defence Minister, whether this policy would change in the future depends on circumstances, So, there is a window that India may decide to reconsider its no-first use policy in view of the security situation," Matheswaran stated.
"It was the US that turned a blind eye to Pakistan's nuclear programme in the 1980s in the lead-up to its first nuclear tests in 1998 and now doesn't have much control over it. The US sanctions are just meant to send a political message. It is China that has provided Pakistan with technical support for its nuclear programme, so Beijing may have a much greater say than the US," the Indian veteran underscored.