"The Federal Security Service of Russia has prevented an illegal action of a resident of Priamurye, who was preparing a diversion on a part of the Trans-Siberian Railway that is vital for uninterrupted nationwide transportation," the FSB said in a statement on Thursday.
According to the investigation, the suspect, male, 39, was a supporter of an organisation banned in Russia. He was in contact with a representative of a Ukrainian terrorist organisation via a courier in order to obtain knowledge and skills in bomb-making. He also acquired components necessary for making a bomb. In October, after being contacted by a handler, the man offered to carry out a bomb attack at the Belogorsk-Ukraine railway crossing in Russia's Amur region.
"The Investigative Committee of the Federal Security Service has opened a criminal case [on charges of] preparing a diversion and participating in an organisation recognised as terrorist in Russia," the statement read.
After the foiled attack, the man planned to go to Ukraine to take part in the conflict on the side of the terrorist organisation, the security service added.
The punishment for the listed charges can be up to 20 years in prison. The man is currently in custody.