22 August, 18:10
- terrorism
- Political Affairs
- Sheikh Hasina
- Bangladesh
- India
- United Kingdom (UK)
- The United Nations (UN)
- Bangladesh Nationalist Party
- human rights
- human rights violations
- humanitarian crisis
- political Islam
- hate speech
- hate crime
- Genocide
- South Asia
- collective West
- US hegemony
- Hindu
- Hindu deities
- Hindu shrine
- Hinduism
- minority rights
- minorities
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31 July, 20:18
- terrorism
- Defenсe News
- India
- Pakistan
- Afghanistan
- The United Nations (UN)
- al-Qaeda
- Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)
- Taliban
- Moscow
- Russia
- MoD Russia
- Russian Armed Forces
- China
- Europe
- Myanmar
- Jammu
- Saudi Arabia
- Bangladesh
- Iran
- Iraq
- Xinjiang
- cross-border terrorism
- counter-terrorism
- terror charges
- terrorist attack
- territorial integrity
- anti-terror laws
- terror outfits
- 9/11 terror attacks
- Government of India
- Ministry of External Affairs (MEA)
- Ministry of Defence (MoD)
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21 July, 18:54
- terrorism
- Political Affairs
- Sheikh Hasina
- Joe Biden
- Bangladesh
- US
- Bangladesh Nationalist Party
- Indian Railways
- United Kingdom (UK)
- US Democrats
- Dhaka
- Washington D.C.
- India
- South Asia
- Pivot to Asia
- youth unemployment
- unemployment
- terror charges
- terror outfits
- counter-terrorism
- terrorist attack
- US military bases
- election interference
- election fraud
- elections
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21 July, 16:10
- terrorism
- Political Affairs
- Pakistan
- Afghanistan
- Islamabad
- Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)
- Taliban
- Durand Line
- Afghanistan-Pakistan border
- 9/11 terror attacks
- terror charges
- anti-terror laws
- terror outfits
- cross-border terrorism
- counter-terrorism
- terrorist attack
- US
- Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI)
- refugees
- Germany
- European Union (EU)
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17 July, 21:19
- terrorism
- Sputnik Opinion
- US
- Afghanistan
- India
- Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI)
- Border Security Force (BSF)
- cross-border terrorism
- counter-terrorism
- terrorist attack
- terror outfits
- Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT)
- Jaish-e-Mohammed
- Taliban
- Kabul
- Islamabad
- Jammu
- Jammu and Kashmir (J&K)
- Kashmir conflict
- Kashmir Valley
- Jammu & Kashmir Police
- Indian army
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