Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Friday underlined that due to growing threats in the Gulf of Aden, Red Sea, and the sea areas adjacent to East African countries, the Indian Navy is working towards increasing its presence in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR).
"India's economic prosperity is linked to maritime security. It is, therefore, necessary to protect our territorial waters, ensure freedom of navigation, and keep sea routes, which are our maritime highways, safe," Singh said during a military event in New Delhi. "In recent years, major naval powers have reduced their presence in IOR, while the Indian Navy has increased it."
Looking back at the past decade from a defense and security standpoint, it is clear that it has been a period of significant volatility, with conflicts and wars erupting across various regions globally, the minister said.
Given these challenges, careful planning, resource allocation, and budgeting for security have become crucial, he stressed, calling upon the Indian forces to further bolster their offensive & defensive capabilities.
"There is a need to adopt a consultative approach. We need to take inputs from all the stakeholders on how to face future challenges. Our forces should be equipped and ready according to the changing times," he noted.
The Indian Navy is widely regarded as the first responder in the IOR, a role it played with high effectiveness last year during the Middle East crisis, rescuing multiple ships and crews that came under attacks from pirates or were targeted by Yemen's Houthis.