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S-400s Up Indian Capacity to Hit Enemy Targets by 30 Times: IAF Veterans

© Sputnik / Alexey Kudenko / Go to the mediabankS-400 Air Defence Systems
S-400 Air Defence Systems - Sputnik India, 1920, 25.04.2023
Widely regarded as the world's most advanced air defense system, the S-400 is not easily available to nations other than Russia's closest strategic partners, like India.
Two Indian Air Force (IAF) veterans have described the S-400 air defense system as a "game-changer" for India, noting how the world-renowned system enhances the capability of its security forces to shoot down enemy targets by a staggering 30 times.
According to Air Vice Marshal (retired) Kapil Kak, the S-400 system can take on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), helicopters, transport aircraft, fighter aircraft missiles, missiles, and even certain types of cruise missiles, noting that such an air defense anti-missile system had not previously existed.
This Week in Pictures: August 25-31 - Sputnik India, 1920, 07.04.2023
Defenсe News
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The Russian system is called the S-400 because, at 400 kilometers, it can track something like 100 live targets. But it can track approximately 60 for engagement. Simply put, it can destroy 60 targets in one go.
The system can fire four different types of missiles, including the 9M96E with a range of 40 kilometres, 9M96E2 with a range of 120 kilometers, 48N6 with a range of 250 kms, and the 40N6E with a range of 400 kms.

"But this is a huge capability because until now the systems that we have had could not take on more than one target or could only engage a maximum of two targets at a time. Now your capability has improved by 30 times. That makes it a game changer," Kak, a veteran of the 1965 and 1971 wars with Pakistan, told Sputnik on Tuesday.

War-Like Situation

Another retired IAF officer, Wing Commander Venkatesh Balasubramanian, agreed with Kak's analysis.
As per Balasubramanian, the S-400 can engage targets deep inside enemy territory, making it a highly effective air defense system against a variety of aerial threats.
He mentioned that each squadron of the S-400 in India consists of eight launchers, 112 missiles, and support equipment, which provides India with a total of 40 launchers, 560 missiles, and associated support equipment.
The deployment of two squadrons of S-400s at different locations across India provides the country with a formidable air defense shield against potential aerial threats.
The third squadron which arrived recently is also ready to be deployed and a much wider area could be covered which would provide a more comprehensive defense against multiple simultaneous attacks.
"The S-400 air defense system is highly mobile and can be deployed quickly to new locations, making it a valuable asset for India in a war-like situation where agility and flexibility are crucial. The deployment time for S-400s is reported to be around five minutes, which means it can respond quickly to any potential threat," Balasubramanian said in a conversation with Sputnik.
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"In view of the above, we can safely say that the S-400 air defense system is a game-changer for India in a war-like situation with either Pakistan or China. Its advanced technology, mobility, and versatility make it a valuable asset for India's national defense strategy, and its deployment across different locations provides a comprehensive defense against multiple simultaneous attacks," he concluded.
India bought five units of the Russian-built S-400 system in a deal worth $5.43 billion in 2018. Three of the five squadrons of the missile system have already arrived in India, with two of them deployed.
As per reports, Delhi is planning on test-firing the S-400 missile system soon.
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