Putin Warns African Leaders About Western Pursuit of Colonial Practices
13:26 28.07.2023 (Updated: 16:37 14.08.2023)

© Sputnik / Pavel Bednyakov
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Russian President Vladimir Putin is giving speech on the final day of Russia-Africa Summit, that is taking place in St. Petersburg, kicked off on Thursday. Today is a final day of the event.
The Russian leader has warned African nations about Western pursuit of colonial practices, saying that a situation in many countries of the continent is unstable due to a tough legacy of colonialism.
"We also have to admit that the situation in many regions of Africa is still unstable. State and ethnic conflicts have not been resolved, acute political and socio-economic crises persist. This, of course, is a heavy legacy of the colonial era, the ‘divide and conquer’ method that the Western metropolises pursued in Africa," he said at the Russia-Africa summit on Friday.
The Russian president added that ideas of freedom, integrity and sovereignty shared by African leaders are now important during "establishment of multipolar world order."
Putin on Africa's peace initiative on Ukraine: "Russia treats Africa's plans to resolve conflict in Ukraine with respect; mediating efforts were monopolized earlier, but now African nations ready to help resolve issues."
Check out some other key points from Putin's speech today:
Russia and Africa shared strong ties of friendship: "Russia and Africa are traditionally bound by strong ties of friendship and close mutually beneficial relations, the foundations of which were laid back in the middle of the last century during the struggle of the peoples of the African continent for their freedom."
Number of countries now changing international norms, use for their own purposes;
Russia shares aspiration of African countries to take more active part in UN: "Of course, we share Africa's desire to take a larger part in the activities of the United Nations. We see what an active position the African Union takes in this regard. We are ready in practical terms to consider proposals to expand the number of representatives of African structures, Africans as a whole in UN structures."
Africa becoming center of power, this reality will have to be considered: "I would like to note right before our eyes the African continent is becoming a new center of power, its political and economic role is growing exponentially. And everyone will have to reckon with this objective reality."
Russia will provide around $90 million to African countries in debt relief: "Russia is taking part in debt relief efforts for African countries. At the moment, we have written off a total of $23 billion in debt. On recent requests of African countries, we will allocate over $90 million more for these development purposes."