Internet Stunned After Woman Replaces Tomato With Avocado

CC0 / Pixabay / Avocado
Avocado  - Sputnik India, 1920, 04.08.2023
In India, a lot of households as well restaurants and food outlets have skipped tomatoes from their regular meals as the price of the vegetable has skyrocketed due to torrential rains in the country.
As the price of tomatoes continues to soar, social media users now find that avocados are cheaper than tomatoes.
Avocados are a costly fruit in India, as they are not grown locally. However, staple tomatoes seem to challeng the tomatoes in terms of cost.
A social media user shared a side-by-side comparison of avocados and tomatoes retailing on an e-commerce platform.
Her comparison drew much reaction from netizens.
“It’s just a time in the economy when making avocado toast for breakfast is cheaper than dosa and tomato chutney,” a social media user captioned.
A single avocado sells for as low as INR 59, while tomatoes retail for INR 222 per kg on the platform.
Currently, tomatoes cost anything between INR 200-300 in some parts of India.
The price surge in tomatoes has been attributed to various factors, including supply chain disruptions, climatic conditions and other market dynamics.
Social media users reacted to this price comparison, with many being surprised by the low price of avocados.
A vendor arranges tomatoes at a vegetable market in Ahmedabad, India, Tuesday, July 11, 2023. - Sputnik India, 1920, 21.07.2023
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